The pandemic continues to increase its impact around the world driven by new variants of the coronavirus. Many countries are already developing the vaccination process against the disease and the hope is that in a few months the health crisis can be under control. One of the experts who point in this direction is the Spanish scientist and writer Juan Fueyo, who is optimistic to tell us how Coronavirus Pandemic will End in his predictions.
“Coronavirus Pandemic will End before the summer with the Vaccines”, Juan Fueyo affirms in an interview to Globe Live Media. “Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will prevent contagion”, he adds. However, this neurologist, a member of the American Academy of Neurology and an expert in the genetic engineering of viruses designed to fight cancer, assures that the virus “will return next year”, although in a different way: “It will be something similar to the flu for which we have a vaccine.”
Warns that the next virus could be worse
Fueyo, author of the book ‘Viral’, where he reviews the history of humanity and its fight against the different viruses that have emerged, bases this argument on the seasonal nature of known coronaviruses. In addition, the scientist warns that other viruses with worse characteristics could emerge in the future: “The coronavirus has been worse than Zica, Ebola, SARS and MERS. Following that logic the following would be worse. And we are still awaiting the next pandemic caused by the influenza virus. “
The expert evaluates Informativos Telecinco in a On a scale from 1 to 10, the impact of the coronavirus with respect to other pandemics that could happen: “The coronavirus is a 2 or a 3. Let us bear in mind that this virus respected the youngest with little mortality in children and that the vast majority of people did not suffer serious diseases ”.
The biggest mistake of the authorities
Fueyo considers that The biggest mistake that the authorities have made since the beginning of the pandemic “is to deny the existence of the virus or its severity.” “In China they silenced the medical heroes who sounded the alarm. Trump dismantled an anti-pandemic commission, and restricted the activities of the agencies in charge of the control of infectious diseases, which had earned an astonishing prestige during decades of work, and even proposed to leave the WHO. In many countries, including Spain, the use of the mask was politicized ”, he explains.
The expert believes that, despite the current progression of the disease, Severe confinement in Spain can be avoided “if it is vaccinated quickly”. Otherwise, and new variants predominate, considered more infectious, “it could be that stronger measures were required.”
The convenience of keeping the mask
The neurologist, who has been carrying out his research in the United States for more than 25 years, does not consider it essential that once the pandemic has ended, it is necessary to maintain the mandatory use of a mask to prevent another virus, but it is recommended. “It would not be bad for us to do like the citizens of Japan or South Korea and use them when we have colds”, affirms Fueyo, who emphasizes that “Viruses pose one of the greatest dangers to humanity along with nuclear weapons and climate change.”