Vitamin A promotes eye health, but not only that, it is also very important for the immune system. According to Nutrition Source, vitamin A stimulates the production and activity of white blood cells, is involved in bone remodeling, and regulates cell growth and division necessary for reproduction.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) indicates that vitamin A also helps the heart, lungs, and other organs function properly. When you’re not getting enough vitamin A, your body can send you various signals.

1. Difficulty seeing in low light

According to the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, the most common sign of vitamin A deficiency is an eye condition called xerophthalmia. Xerophthalmia is the inability to see in low light and can lead to blindness if left untreated.

2. Dry skin

With vitamin A deficiency, the skin may lack a key nutrient that helps skin repair. Which can result in the experience of having dry, flaky skin, says nutritionist Lauren Manaker Manaker via Well+Good.

3. Weak immune system

The NIH indicates that a long-term deficiency of vitamin A can also lead to an increased risk of respiratory diseases (such as pneumonia) and infections.

4. Wounds take time to heal

While vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients that aids in wound healing, vitamin A also plays a role in collagen synthesis and thus the ability to heal wounds.

5. Anemia

Vitamin A deficiency can also cause anemia (a condition in which red blood cells do not supply the body with enough oxygen). “In severe cases, not getting enough vitamin A can increase your chances of dying,” the NIH shares.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in many foods such as:

-Some types of fish, such as herring and salmon.
-Beef liver and other viscera. The liver is too rich in vitamin A, its consumption should be limited.
-Leafy greens and other green, orange, and yellow vegetables, such as spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, and winter squash.
-Fruits, including melons, mangoes, and apricots
-Dairy products, such as milk and cheese.
-Fortified breakfast cereals

The amount of vitamin A a person needs depends on age and gender. An adult woman requires 700 micrograms (mcg) and an adult man 900 mcg daily.

For reference, half a cup of boiled spinach provides 573 mcg of vitamin A. A serving of liver provides 6,582 mcg of vitamin A, equivalent to 731% of the recommended daily intake. It is just because of its richness in this vitamin that the consumption of this organ meat should be limited to small amounts.

The body stores excessive amounts of vitamin A. Regular and heavy consumption of liver can lead to vitamin A toxicity, called hypervitaminosis A.

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