The premiere of the animated film is scheduled for March 17 in theaters, but Warner Bros. is analyzing the possibility of doing it directly for streaming platforms, forced by the coronavirus pandemic
“It is our only chance. We have to take advantage of it. We need Kong. The world needs it to avoid what is coming our way. And that girl is the only one with whom he is going to communicate ”.
Warner Bros. presented the official trailer for Godzilla vs. Kong and in less than 24 hours reached 700 thousand views on his official YouTube account. There you see the advance of the animated movie that promises and is one of the biggest bets in Hollywood. “One of them will fall,” says the trailer for the film directed by Adam Wingard .
The premiere of the film is scheduled for March 17 in all theaters nationwide, but it is speculated that due to the coronavirus pandemic, producers will directly make the premiere on streaming platforms. Some even confirm that the company is negotiating with two big names like Netflix and HBO.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Netflix has made an offer of more than $ 200 million for the film, while WarnerMedia blocked the deal while it prepared an offer of its own for its platform. “We plan to release Godzilla vs. Kong in theaters next year as scheduled, “ clarified a representative of Warner Bros. The publication notes that decisions about the fate of the film are being handled” at the highest level, “and the decision is in the hands of the CEO of WarnerMedia , Jason Kilar , and Warner Bros. President Ann Sarnoff . Executives are apparently coming up with an offer for a streaming launch on HBO Max. which, in theory, would also be accompanied by screenings in cinemas.
Synopsis of Godzilla vs. Kong
Legends collide in Godzilla vs. Kong when these mythical adversaries meet in a titanic combat for all ages, while the fate of the world hangs by a thread. Kong and his protectors embark on a dangerous mission to find their true home, and are accompanied by Jia, a young orphan with whom he has created a very special bond . But suddenly they come across an enraged Godzilla, who leaves in his wake a trail of destruction across the world. The epic clash between the two Titans, instigated by unseen forces, is only the beginning of the mystery that lurks deep within the Earth.