Xbox has made it clear that cloud and mobile gaming is an area where the brand needs to grow properly, and Microsoft hopes the current deal with ActiBlizz can help in that area. Another way the team thinks it can get into mobile is by opening a new store on that platform, which Xbox boss Phil Spencer recently mentioned ahead of GDC 2023.

In an interview ahead of the Game Developers Conference, Phil talked about Xbox’s next mobile plans.

“We want to be able to deliver Xbox and content from ourselves and our third-party partners to any screen someone wants to play on…”

“Today we can’t do that on mobile, but we want to build a world that we believe will go wherever those devices open up.”

Spencer and company. they hope the new legislation, the EU Digital Markets Act, will help Xbox’s cause. The law is expected to come into effect in March 2024, with the aim of opening up digital markets to allow for greater competition.

“The law on digital markets is coming: these are the kinds of things we are planning (…) I think it’s a great opportunity”.

Cloud gaming is therefore clearly a big part of Xbox’s future. Phil has talked about an Xbox Cloud Gaming device in the past, something that’s been worked on but not yet released, so the company intends to move to the cloud beyond existing devices and storefronts.

Could Microsoft wait for its next showcase to launch the “Keystone Project”? Who knows, but apparently the team hopes everything will fall into place with ActiBlizz and the momentum of Xbox mobile gaming in the months and years to come.

Would you be interested in using an Xbox mobile store? Leave your thoughts below.


Ben is a fan of action, racing, and direct fire in every video game he can get his hands on. When he’s not playing, Ben spends his time listening to too many Guns N’ Roses, watching football, and probably eating somewhere.

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