The Microsoft team is said to have improvements for backward compatibility on Xbox Series X / S ready to go. According to a tweet from a Spanish YouTuber, who mostly deals with tech analysis in his videos, there will be some news on the subject on February 17th.
In the meantime, the YouTuber’s tweet has been deleted. The video maker also stated that, thanks to Microsoft, he can already try out the new feature. ElAnalistaDeBits (427,000 subscribers) did not provide any details. Nevertheless, there are already initial guesses as to what the supposed news might be. Last year, for example, Microsoft presented a technology for backward-compatible games that could double the frame rate of older titles – without an update by the development team.
Games that previously had a fixed frame rate would also benefit from this. For example, if a game runs continuously at 30 FPS, it would run on Xbox Series X / S (buy now ) be playable at 60 FPS. Improvements from 60 to 120 FPS are also possible. Insider also indicated that the Microsoft team is apparently really planning an announcement on Twitter. An official statement on the subject has not yet been made. Therefore, fans should initially enjoy the rumors with caution. We’ll keep you posted when there are new details on Microsoft’s backward compatibility.