women in games denounces, through a statement on its website, the alleged gender-based attacks and assaults against women at the latest event of the Game Developer Conference 2023. Women in Games is a UK community interest company which aims to discover and recruit more of women in the video game industry, in addition to protecting their rights and interests.

After the last GDC event, many women and participants denounced sexist attacks and attitudes through social networks. Some of these alleged attacks are; adulterated drinks, harassment at exhibitions, belittlement and even two women were attacked in a hotel room after being deceived by an alleged presentation of an argument. Marie-Claire Isaamanchief executive of the UK company, calls on GDC organizers to work with Women in Games to make these events a safe place for all.

Seeing all of these serious allegations, GDC organizers told TheGamer, “We are very upset to hear that some people, particularly women, have reported experiences regarding GDC Week at off-site events, including assaults and alcoholic beverages.”

Marie-Claire Isaaman says that “When the day comes when a woman at a global gaming conference no longer has to wonder if she’s safe, when she has a business meeting alone with a man, c is where our work will be done.” .
Finally, to conclude the statement, Isaaman sends a message of unity between professionals and industry players to fight and end this type of behavior, firmly assuring that “harassment, abuse and aggression of any type whether online or in person.”

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