As with the vast majority of support characters in Genshin Impact, you really only need to prioritize a few factors when choosing a weapon for Yaoyao. You can choose to focus on how often you use your Burst or how effective your Burst is per use. This guide will give you some options on which spears would work best for Yaoyao.

Before we begin, let’s quickly review how Yaoyao works. His skill and burst inflict Dendro DMG while simultaneously healing his allies. This makes her a wonderful support for the vast majority of DPS characters due to Dendro’s powerful elemental reactions. Since his elemental bust is quite expensive for a support character, Yaoyao needs weapons that can help him recharge his energy. Some polearms you might consider are:

homa stick

It’s kind of ridiculous because Staff of Homa is a great spear for your DPS, but hear me out. Yaoyao’s healing scales from his max HP, and Homa’s Staff increases it by 20%. In order to get the most out of his Elemental Burst, Yaoyao must also stay in the field. Indeed, changing it will remove the Yueguis it summons. Homa Staff makes Yaoyao much more versatile. You can keep her in the field during her burst as a primary DPS or you can just take advantage of the 20% HP boost and keep her in the healer role.

Scarlet Sands Staff

Staff of the Scarlet Sands is for a Yaoyao with a more offensive style of play. Grants additional ATK based on 52% of your Elemental Mastery, and this bonus increases each time you hit an opponent with your Elemental Skill. Yaoyao is a Dendro character and all Dendro characters generally need a fairly high EM. This polearm is really more for if you want your Yaoyao to have more screen presence to take advantage of its shine.

Lanza Favonio

If you don’t have anyone else who needs Favonius Lance, it can be a really good weapon for Yaoyao. As mentioned above, his Burst is expensive and his natural ER isn’t fantastic. So anything that allows you to spam more is good. This is if you want the burst to heal your entire party or if you want to use Yaoyao as an attacker in the field.


Moonpiercer is basically a free weapon that you can get once you’ve completed all of Aranara’s quests. It is therefore a very good option for F2P players. It’s good to support Yaoyao. Not only is this Polearm EM’s secondary stat (which is always fantastic for Dendro), but its effect also focuses on Dendro’s elemental reactions. Each time you activate one, you get a Rebirth Blade. This will grant an ATK boost to the character who picks it up. You’ll likely need to play Yaoyao as an off-field ability support to get the most out of Moonpiercer.

Earn Cross Spear / Dragon’s Bane

Like the Moonpiercer above, Kitain Cross Spear and Dragon’s Bane are combinations of Elemental Mastery stats. Which one you want to use depends on how your Yaoyao works, as well as your team composition. The Kitain Cross Spear increases the DMG of your Elemental Ability by 6%. Each time he hits someone with his ability, he loses 3 energy but regenerates 3 energy every 2 seconds for the next 6 seconds. Dragon’s Bane’s effect mainly comes into play if you run it on a Bloom or Burning team, as it increases damage against enemies affected by Hydro or Pyro by 20%.

As for which one you should use, the Kitain Cross Spear is better if you plan to use Yaoyao. For example, you want it to stay in the field to get the most out of its burst or as a true DPS sub. Dragon’s Bane is more if you want to use it as a Dendro activator and applicator.

black tassel

Finally, Black Tassel is for people who don’t really have any better options and just want it for healing. His passive is kind of useless as it only affects Slimes. But his secondary primary stat increases his HP. Naturally its ATK is low as it is a 3 star weapon, but for healer Yaoyao it is enough.

Genshin Impact is available for PS4, PS5, Windows PC and mobile devices. As a 4-star character, Yaoyao is still in the gacha party.

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