Power level is very important in Destiny 2, as you have access to different activities and other content based on your level. With the release of the Lightfall expansion, the power cap has been increased, which means you have more work to do. Below, we’ll explain the new light level caps in Destiny 2: Lightfall, so you can start grinding accordingly.
Destiny 2: Lightfall new power limits
- Worse: 1,600
- Mix of tapas: 1,750
- power limit: 1,800
- Hardcover: 1,810
When you first launch Destiny 2: Lightfall, your Guardian will start with a Power Level of 1,600. to 1,750. If you want to speed up the process, you can play the campaign on Legendary difficulty, as this will help you reach the soft cap quickly.
After reaching the soft limit, you must reach the power limit. This is set at 1800, and you’ll need to start participating in several challenges and activities that award higher tier gear. The fastest way to do this is to open Prime Engrams, take part in seasonal activities, and complete anything that rewards high-level gear. One important thing to remember is that each time you open a Prime Engram, you’ll receive a better item than what you already have in your inventory.
Finally, after reaching Power Level 1800, your next goal is to reach the maximum cap. This is fixed at 1,810 and can only be achieved by obtaining Pinnacle gear. You can acquire it by completing endgame activities like raids and grandmasters. Also, before participating in an activity, you can see whether or not you will get a Pinnacle item so you don’t waste time.