At PAX East 2023, Square Enix celebrated both final fantasy xiv there XVI While the former didn’t end with a video-on-demand release, it did upload one with producer Naoki Yoshida discussing the next main entry on YouTube afterwards. He also shared a new trailer made up of gameplay footage.

Here’s the full video of the PAX East 2023 “Yes You Can Pet the Torgal” panel. While the actual broadcast of the event ended up being cut while it was live, this YouTube version is the full panel without no problem. Things start with the Meet the Team part of the presentation. He final fantasy 16 The segment begins at 5:42 and reviews gameplay, characters, and story elements.

Square Enix also released one of the gameplay clips from this presentation on its own. A standalone video segment shows Clive and his allies exploring different areas of the world of Valisthea.

On March 24, 2023, Square Enix organized a final fantasy xiv panel at PAX East. During it, he talked about the Graphics Update 7.0, future goals, and the heart of Sabik.

final fantasy 16 It will arrive on PS5 on June 22, 2023. There will be a six-month exclusivity period.

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