It seems that the development of Stray Blade is coming to an end, because both of the study Point Blank like at the publisher 505 games They announce that the game will be released next April 20 of 2023 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC.
The information that has reached us since its announcement is scarce, but sufficient to be able to expect an interesting fantasy game with certain soulful touches and with certain systems that seem inherited from Middle-earth: Shadow of War.
In Stray Blade, we’ll play as Farren, a traveler from other lands who is forced to join forces with his wolf companion Xhinnon Boji (yes, he has a certain Biomutant air to it in design) as we travel through the land of Stray Blade. ‘Acrea and discover the cause of its disappearance centuries ago. If you liked the principle, you have the possibility to play the game before its launch in a closed beta which is still looking for testers. You can register for the adventure from here.