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A foretaste of Resident Evil 8: Village is already available as part of a PS5-exclusive demo. However, PC gamers can also look forward to a preliminary version.

Resident Evil 8 will be released on May 7, 2021 for PC and consoles. Owners of a Playstation 5 can already scare their way through the game world of Village: One PS5-exklusive Demo has already appeared, which is supposed to prepare fans for the horror that protagonist Ethan Winters has to deal with in the main game.

We’ll tell you what PC gamers are missing out on with the “Maiden” demo for Resident Evil: Village and what they can look forward to instead: In addition to the PS5-exclusive demo for Resi 8, another pre-playable version announced, which will appear for all platforms.

What the PS5-exclusive demo has to offer

Release: At the Resident Evil Showcase it was announced that the demo for Village should be available on Playstation 5 from January 21, 2021. At the current time, however, it is still a long time coming in German stores.

In the meantime, Capcom has already officially commented on the situation: Accordingly, there are currently technical problems, which is why the publication of the PS5 demo is slightly delayed. The demo is now set to open in the Sony store on January 22nd.

Content: In the PS5-exclusive demo you slip into the role of the eponymous maiden and try to escape from the dungeon of Dimitrescu Castle. The preliminary version is around 20 to 30 minutes long – veterans of the franchise should of course get through a little faster.

Incidentally, the PS5 demo does not take place parallel to the main plot of Resident Evil 8. In the finished game, however, there should be some hints and references to the events of The Maiden. However, we will not find out what exactly they look like until May 7, 2021.

How does the PS5 demo play? The Maiden dispenses with a combat system, so you cannot defend yourself with firearms or close combat maneuvers like in the role of Ethan Winters. Instead, the PS5 demo is supposed to give you an audiovisual foretaste of what to expect in Village.

So you roam through the dungeon and castle, solve small puzzles and collect clues and information snippets on the overarching story of Resident Evil 8. You also have one or two encounters with the residents of Dimitrescu Castle.

Warning: the following paragraph contains spoilers

We already know that Ethan Winters will mess with Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters in Resident Evil 8. The eponymous maiden of the PS5-exclusive demo also gets to know the villains of Village. By the way, you can find an overview of the previously known heroes and villains of Village in our large information article on Resident Evil 8.

If you’re interested in what’s happening in the PS5-exclusive demo for Resident Evil 8, but you don’t own a console, we recommend taking a look at the Let’s Play of the YouTuber Hollow. In his video you get a pretty concrete impression of what is happening in The Maiden.

Demo for PC, Xbox Series X and Co. announced

The second demo is also available for the PC: Fans of Resident Evil can also look forward to another preliminary version that not only owners of a Playstation 5 get to play. At the Resident Evil Showcase, a second demo was announced that will appear for all platforms – PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X and Xbox One.

Release: There is currently no exact release date for the second demo. The release period has so far only been limited to »Spring 2021«. Since Resident Evil 8 should be released on May 7th, we expect that Demo # 2 should be released in March at the latest.

Content: What players will see in the second demo for Resident Evil 8 remains open at the moment. All we know is that it should be different from The Maiden in terms of content. So fans have to wait a little longer until Capcom provides detailed information on the content.

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