Deoxys Defense will be in 3rd party raids 5 until July 16 at 10 a.m. on Pokémon GO! If you’re looking for stats, top counters, attack analysis, and more, you’ve come to the right place. Here we go for the guide!
- PC max name: 2570.
- Number of CP of a Deoxys Defense 100 IV: 1299 for a normal level 20 encounter. 1624 for a weather-boosted Pokémon. The more you tend towards these numbers, the more likely your Deoxys is to be perfect.
- Stats : 144 in attack, 330 in defense and 137 in endurance.
- Performance in PVP and raids : Such defensive stats make Deoxys Defense a very good PVP Pokémon in Super League with the Riposte, Psycho Boost and Thunder attacks. But to have it, you have to capture it! We remind you that the exchange of Mythical Pokémon is impossible.
- Weaknesses : Dexys is a Pokémon of type Psy. It is therefore weak against types Specter, Darkness and Insect If you don’t have the best “counters” (the ones shown below), you know where to turn.
Which Pokémon to use to defeat and capture Deoxys Defense in raid? List of the best counters
Note that this list was made using a fairly complex combat simulator, so it is very reliable.
- Mega-Ectoplasm (Léchouille / Ball’Ombre);
- Mega Demolossus (Barking / Cheating);
- Mega Leviator (Bite / Chew);
- Darkrai (Bark / Shadow Ball);
- Giratina original form (Shadow Claws / Shadow Ball);
- Lugulabre (Shadow Ball Punishment);
- Hydragon (Bite / Vibrobscur);
- Ectoplasm (Léchouille / Ball “Shadow);
- Yveltal (Bark / Vibrobscur).
Obviously, there are other good counters like Mewtwo or Genesect but the best are all mentioned above. We haven’t added the Dark Pokémon since they are very expensive to upgrade, but, of course, if you have a boosted version of one or more of the specimens mentioned above, don’t hesitate.
First of all, know that the weather boost is obtained thanks to Windy weather. With this you will encounter a Deoxys at level 25 instead of level 20 but it will be more complicated to beat. Believe us, you don’t want to.
The two most advantageous weather conditions for attacking are Rainy weather (boost Insect type … few good Pokémon) and Fog (boost Dark and Specter types).
Watch out for Partly Cloudy weather which boosts the Rockfall attack, which, we’ll see right away, can be a problem.
List of Deoxys Defense attacks on Pokémon GO and their influence for your raid fight
Quick attacks | Charged attacks |
The most dangerous attack is Psycho-Boost, which, in addition to being stabbed, proves to be super effective on Ectoplasma! The fight seems tough enough to us, no need to eat you super effective attacks as a bonus.
Even though Mega Ectoplasma is statistically the best against, we still recommend Mega Demolossus (unless Deoxys has Landslide, a super effective attack against Fire Pokémon like Dire or Demolossus).
How many trainers does it take to beat Deoxys Defense on Pokémon GO?
This raid is incredibly difficult. Probably the most difficult in the whole game. Blame it on the alien Pokémon’s monstrous defensive stat. Prepare a good team in advance made up of the best counters.
Your biggest enemy in this fight is time. Frankly, even if you arrive with several very high level trainers, we recommend that you come to at least 6.
If you have a little less experience, bring as many buddies as possible to hope for a chance. It’s your turn!