Sony Interactive Entertainment formalizes and dates the closure of the PlayStation Store on the old consoles of the Japanese publisher.
The online store of Sony will soon be unavailable: “On July 2, 2021, we are closing PlayStation Store on PS3 and on August 27, 2021 on PlayStation Vita devices. In addition, the purchasing functionality that had been retained on the PSP (PlayStation Portable) will also be removed from July 2, 2021. After careful consideration, we have decided on these changes to focus our efforts, regarding the PlayStation Store, on the PS4 and PS5, which will allow us to further improve the quality of the customer experience. We would like to thank you for your loyalty on these platforms during all these years.”
The consequences of the end of PlayStation Store on PS3, PS Vita and PSP? It will no longer be possible to purchase digital content and make in-game purchases. While the online store interface on PSP was closed in 2016, the purchasing functionality, which had been retained on the first portable console, will be completely removed.
The future of digital at PlayStation
What about the content you already own?
- You will still be able to download any PS3, PS Vita and PSP digital content you own, including games and videos
- You can download the content you own to your PS3, PS Vita or PSP by going to the download list for each of these devices.
- If you have purchased a PS3 / PS Vita cross-buy pack and have only downloaded one of the two versions, PS3 or PS Vita, you will need to download the other version from the PlayStation Store before closing the PlayStation Store. ‘affected device
- Video content you own on PS3, PS4 or PS5 can be streamed through the “My Videos” app or to mobile devices through the PlayStation Video app.
- You will still be able to redownload and play the games to which you have been entitled under PlayStation Plus as long as you subscribe to this service.
What about promo codes, wallet funds and cross-buy content?
- You will still be able to redeem PlayStation Plus games and codes on PS3, PS Vita and PSP devices, once the PlayStation Store and the purchasing functionality of these devices are removed.
- You will no longer be able to use the funds from the PSN wallet (for example, a gift card) on PS3, PS Vita and PSP devices, once the PlayStation Store and the purchasing functionality of these devices are removed.
- The funds in your PSN wallet will remain in your PlayStation Network account, but you will only be able to use them to purchase PS4 and PS5 products from the PlayStation Store via the web, on the PlayStation App, or on the PS4 and PS5 consoles.
- You will still be able to purchase cross-buy content from PlayStation Store via the web, PlayStation App, or PS4 and PS5 consoles and access both the PS4 version and the PS3, PS Vita and PSP versions.