Mayhem in Single Valley, the puzzle-packed action-adventure game, will be released on To change next month, publisher and developer of tinyBuild Fluxscopic announced today. The game is set to release on March 2, 2023.

Mayhem in Single Valley has players taking on the role of Jack, who embarks on a mission to save his neighbors and local wildlife after they turn into mindless zombies. Gameplay consists of searching locations for answers, solving puzzles, and searching for loot.

Here is additional information:

Guide Jack, an aspiring artist accepted into the college of his dreams. As he prepares to leave his hometown to attend art school, a gruesome truck collision dumps toxic sludge into the local water supply, turning Jack’s neighbors and surrounding wildlife from the unique valley into stupid zombies. With his neighborhood irradiated and the walking dead rampant, Jack has no choice but to put his college plans on hold – this rising freshman now rises to save the world.

Research Single Valley and figure out how to stop the apocalypse. Solve puzzles and locate collectibles as you dodge, shoot and stun mutated enemies. Escape bloodthirsty bunnies, polluted cats and barbaric bears. Loot new materials to use as equipment and set up distractions to create paths through the undead hordes. Learn the best ways to avoid conflict, like throwing carrots to distract mobs or shooting nuts and bolts with a slingshot to stun infected.

Explore a beautiful pixelated world populated by 2D characters placed on a 3D modeled canvas, using shadows to enhance the atmosphere. An original, retro-inspired soundtrack combined with 8-bit sound effects pays homage to the classic days of gaming, serenading survivors with a comforting sense of nostalgia.

Fluxcopic founder Brian Cullen said of the upcoming title, “Paying homage to some of our favorite old-school titles with a more modernized design sensibility has been a rewarding experience, but nothing has been more gratifying to receive the accolades and gratitude of our economy-loving community. Unique Valley on PC. We’re excited to move to consoles and can’t wait to see the new survivors respond to the original Single Valley characters.”

We’ve included a gameplay trailer below.

Mayhem in Single Valley will retail for $14.99 on the Switch eShop.

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