A new trailer for the Lies of P game has surfaced on IGN’s Twitter account. Approximately two minutes long, it provides insight into not only the game’s worldview, but also Pinocchio traversing its environments. Lies of P is an action-adventure game in the vein of Dark Souls, drawing inspiration not only from the story of Pinocchio, but also from the Belle Epoque of French history.
You can watch the Lies of P trailer here:
The trailer doesn’t really give any concrete information about the plot. NEOWIZ West released a Lies of P story trailer about a year ago that provides more details on what to expect. Since the game will be similar to Souls, it will likely focus on dodging and blocking rather than a hack-n-slash combat system.
In Lies of P, you play as Pinocchio and must fight through the violent city of Krat to find Geppetto. Since Pinocchio is a puppet like in the original fairy tale, chances are he can upgrade his body to learn new abilities or use new weapons. In the trailer, Pinocchio fires lightning from his left hand.
Lies of P is in development for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Windows PC, slated for release in 2023. More information will be released during IGN FanFest on February 17-18. , 2023.