In order to entice Traveler and Paimon to participate in The Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl in Genshin Impact, Arataki Itto offers an unassigned ramen coupon as the final reward of the event. According to Arataki Leader, this coupon can be redeemed for “a free ramen bowl for two consecutive months.” Whether you should believe the playful half-oni is debatable, but taking part in the thrilling Arataki Beetle Brawl is something no traveler should miss.

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Unassigned Ramen Coupon Unlocked in Genshin Impact

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To embark on your journey to unlock the Unassigned Ramen Coupon in Genshin Impact, you must travel to Inazuma City, where you can begin the event quest, “Almighty Arataki Extraordinary Thrilling Extreme Beetle Fight”. Arataki Itto and his comrades will gladly welcome you, after which the boss of Arataki will persuade you to participate in his Beetle Brawl event in exchange for free ramen for the next two months. Luckily, ramen isn’t the only incentive you receive for this event, as participants will be rewarded with talent level gear, Mora, hero spirits, and even free Primogems.

After agreeing to help Itto in exchange for an unassigned Ramen Coupon in Genshin Impact, you will be transported to a small island northwest of Ritou. After some comedic dialogue and a short intro sequence on how beetle fights work, you’ll unlock the ability to fast travel to this unnamed island for the rest of the event duration. Next, you must defeat all five contenders in The Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl, the first of which is Pain-Grocer. His Mallet the Smasher is incredibly easy to defeat with mechanics similar to the tutorial you completed earlier.

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Next, you have to face Wizard Moneybags in Genshin Impact, whose Triple-Strike Gunblade Mage has an Electro AoE ranged attack. The fourth contestant will be The Cage-Maker, whose super heavy defensive training beetle has special magic protection that can only be hit when the beetle flashes. Finally, Grand Rook Sennichi’s Whirling Wrecker-Wheel will introduce you to Electro orb’s defensive mechanics before tackling Grandmaster Hanakado’s Ironclad Bettle King. This final battle will test you on all the mechanics you’ve experienced in the event so far. Once Hanakado is defeated, you must wait one game day to receive your unassigned Ramen Vale reward in Genshin Impact.

In our experience, the entire Itto Beetle Brawl event should take you no less than 20 minutes. While the aforementioned rewards are definitely worth it, the unawarded Ramen Coupon serves no purpose other than serving as an exclusive souvenir for the Genshin Impact event.


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