While most resources are fairly easy to acquire in The Planet Crafter, some are difficult to find. Osmium is one of those resources that, while heavily used in the late game and essential to progression, is hard to come by. This is because it can only be found in a few locations and cannot be crafted in-game. That said, if you’re looking to stock up on Osmium at Planet Crafter, check out the guide below.

Related: How to get the map in Planet Crafter

How to Acquire Osmium at Planet Crafter

Gamepur screenshot

Unfortunately, you will hardly get Osmium at the start of the game. This is because the locations where Osmium is guaranteed to be present cannot be accessed at the start of the game. Therefore, players will have to rely on luck to get the resource. Look for caves filled with ice, as once they melt they often leave Osmium behind. Once you get 3 Osmium, you can build the T2 Ore Extractor. To be exact, you will need Osmium x3, Super Alloy Rod x1, and Iridium Rod x2 to build the gear. After you get Ore Extractor T2, you can place it in specific locations on the map and it will automatically extract osmium for you. Below are the coordinates where you can place the T2 Ore Extractor to mine Osmium.

There are also places where osmium can be found, but you have to search for it manually because a T2 ore extractor cannot be used here. Contact details for these locations are listed below.

  • 626:61:1840
  • 1861:13:566
  • 1919:-7:459
  • 974:43:-978

In addition to being used as a material to craft the T2 Ore Extractor, Osmium is also used to build the Crusher Machine, T4 Drill, DNA Manipulator, Teleporter, and Auto-Crafter.


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