Like a dragon: Ishin! Set in 1860s Japan during the Bakumatsu era, you play as Sakamoto Ryoma, a skilled samurai who uses a variety of deadly fighting styles to defeat his enemies. Players can unlock abilities for these fighting styles by visiting dojos around Kyo and proving their worth. The master of one such dojo, Ginryu, has a specific request for Ryoma before teaching new skills. He wants proof that you’ve mastered the weapons you wield and asks you to display weapons of a specific quality each time you train.

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How to unlock a good quality sword in Like A Dragon: Ishin!

New abilities for the Wild Dancer and Swordsman fighting styles can be unlocked by visiting the Ginryu Dojo. The Ginryu Dojo is located in Rakunai on the western side of the map, on Karasuma Street. After completing a short side story, Ginryu will teach you new skills, but will require you to show him a specific weapon quality each time to unlock the new lesson. Their demands follow the steady progression of weapon quality in Ishin!, requiring increasingly better weapons, from Fine (green quality) to Optimal (gold quality).

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To start training new skills in the Ginryu Dojo, you must first show him a good quality sword, a green quality two-star weapon. You can check the quality of a weapon by looking at the color of its name, the number of marks on the icon next to its name, or the background of the weapon image. You will likely already have a higher quality weapon equipped when you arrive at the Ginryu dojo. If so, you’ll want to make sure you bring a good quality weapon to show off Ginryu.

Gamepur screenshot

There are many ways to get a quality weapon in Like a Dragon: Ishin!. The easiest method is to buy the weapon from the arms dealers in Mukurogai or Rakugai. You can also get a good quality weapon as a drop from an enemy. Finally, you can craft good quality weapons at Kurogane Smithing, which is unlocked in Chapter 3: Mibu Wolves. The grade of a crafted weapon is based on the quality of the hammer used to craft it. To craft a quality weapon, you will need an iron hammer, which can be purchased from the materials vendor.


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