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News inside Hitman 3: all you need to know for Day One
The Agent 47 adventure reboot that began in 2016 is coming to an end. The “World of Assassination” trilogy concludes with a third episode soberly titled Hitman 3 which follows in the footsteps of its predecessors. For nearly five years, IO Interactive studios have been working to return to the roots of the “Hitman” franchise, meticulous and thoughtful murder, and leave the action in its simplest device to the locker room. Is the most formidable assassin in video games able to end his own story with panache?
The test
The script has only very rarely been a central part of the Hitman experience. The story was then only a pretext linking the missions together, while Agent 47 was generally content to chain contracts. With the trilogy “World of Assassination”, the Danish studios IO Interactive focus on the story, that of a hitman in search of emancipation and revenge against the Providence Agency and its leaders. Hitman 3 concludes an international thriller started in 2016 with the manner without being too scattered. The staging remains sober and minimalist most of the time, but allows itself a few cinematic flights inspired by the heyday of spy cinema with its cutscenes in the cold tone so characteristic of the series.
> Read the full test of Hitman 3

Our video test
Hitman 3: Less than 3 minutes to emancipate
The Hitman franchise has never really relied on its script to stand out. However, the reboot started in 2016 dares to think outside the box, and gives itself the airs of an international thriller strongly inspired by the 7th Art while maintaining this cold tone specific to the series. Even if the staging remains sober, even minimalist, it is undeniable that IO Interactive has worked on its copy. Hitman 3 is the perfect conclusion to this story.

Gameplay video: Hitman 3 – Elementary my dear 47
Agent 47 returns to service in Hitman 3 to wreak revenge on the Providence agency and its employers. This conclusion of the “World of Assassination” trilogy here refines the formula imagined by the IO Interactive studios, and gives the most famous assassin in the “video game” sphere the means to fulfill his ambitions.
Hitman 3 – Elementary my dear 47
> Find all the videos about Hitman 3 on the dedicated page

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