People love beer. And of all the beers on the market, Guinness is one of the favourites, maybe even the favourite, or so it seems to be in the UK. But unlike many other types of beer, pouring the perfect pint of Guinness takes more skill than meets the eye, and the beer titan knows savvy beer lovers have struggled to do just that.

That’s why they’ve now created the Guinness Nitrosurge, a device that was created to help you pour the perfect pint of beer. The way it works is to simply place the Nitrosurge on a can of Guinness, then pour it out and the end result will be a perfect pint of perfection, or at least the Guinness demo made one.

As Steve Gilsenan, Global Quality Manager at Guinness said: “Nitrosurge revolutionizes the pouring experience, delivering beautifully smooth Guinness.”

The problem with the device is that you will have to buy Guinness Nitrosurge cans to fit the device, as regular cans don’t seem to do the trick.


As for where you can get a Nitrosurge, in the UK the device is available exclusively from TESCO retailers for £25.


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