Fortnite Combat Cache is a new mechanic introduced in Season 2, and if you act quickly it offers a way to get high rarity loot. This works similarly to Supply Drops in Fortnite, although they are currently stockpiled, meaning retrieving a Battle Cache is now one of the only ways to quickly stock up on gear. high quality. If you’re working on Fortnite Missions, you’ll also need to find and collect one in Week 3, so there’s plenty of reason to track down this elusive stash. If you want to recover a Battle Cache in Fortnite, here’s everything you need to know.

How to Recover a Battle Cache in Fortnite

(Image credit: Epic Games)

You will need to be patient while waiting for a Fortnite Battle Cache to appear, as it only appears at the end of the second phase of Storm Eye Shrinking. When you reach this point in a match, you’ll hear an audio cue and a marker for the Battle Cache will be placed on your screen with an icon on the map, which you can then choose to follow to your location. You will also see a beam of light shining on it, the color indicating the rarity of the items you will receive if you collect it; it starts out as Legendary, but gradually transitions to Epic, then Rare, and so on. the Battle Cache remains unclaimed.

So you’re best off grabbing a Battle Cache quickly in Fortnite to improve the quality of the loot you receive, but the same goes for all other players. If you get to a Battle Cache first and start collecting it, a progress bar will start to fill up, at which point you should build protective walls around it and be ready to defend your prize against others who try to steal it. Likewise, if you see the progress bar start to fill around the icon before you get there, that means another player is already picking it up, which means you’ll have to work your way through and interact with them so you can take control sooner than it’s too late. If you want this action to count towards completing the quest, you need to make sure you control the battle cache when it finally opens.

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