Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrado received another price, this time from a Japanese outdoor advertising group. The Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association (TOAA) has just released the winners of its biennial Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Competition. The big winner for the 2021-2022 mandate was FFVII Remake Intergrado 3D Red XIII billboard which was placed at the end of December 2021.
He FFVII Remake Intergrado A 3D billboard has been placed on a large screen on top of a building in Tokyo’s Minato district. presented on final fantasy 7 the character Red XIII depicted as being present in the 3D “box” atop the building. The ad was visible from December 20, 2021 to January 2, 2022.
The award from the Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association was the “Tokyo Governor’s Award” in the 1st division (out of 4). TOAA is an advertising industry public benefit organization comprised of various corporations and other groups involved in the creation and placement of billboards, neon displays, traffic announcements and other forms of outdoor signage. It is also sponsored by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The association exists to help coordinate members’ operations to enable development without unduly affecting the “scenic beauty and aesthetics” of Tokyo. The Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Competition is held every two years and aims to reward outdoor advertising works that feature “excellent design” and “are in harmony with Tokyo’s landscape”.
As for FFVII Remake Intergrado Billboard 3D, it would seem that the sight of the massive leonine creature Red XIII running from Shinra helicopters was in keeping with the look of the city.
Final Fantasy VII Remake is available on PS4, while redo intergrade is available on PS5 and PC. Other recently seen 3D billboard advertisements include those of pokemon scarlet there violet and for a new season of gundam evolution.