Finnish esports organization ENCE has announced that it has selected the fifth member to join its Counter-Strike: Global Offensive roster following the recent benching of Valdemar “valde” Bjørn Vangså.

As announced in a blog post, we’re told that the team’s fifth place will be taken by Guy “NertZ” Iluz, a 23-year-old Israeli pro who recently competed under the Endpoint banner.

Speaking about the signing, ENCE CS:GO EETU “SAw” Saha Coach said, “We’ve had our eyes on NertZ for a while now as his skills and potential are undeniable. He seems like a great candidate for the job. team. , both in terms of role and in terms of personality.”

This reconstituted roster will take part in Season 17 of the ESL Pro League for the first time, to be held in Malta in March.

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