Deep Rock Galactic, a cooperative first-person shooter developed by Ghost Ship Games, has seen a surge in popularity and success since its release on PS Plus in January 2022. In a recent earnings call conducted by Embracer Group, the parent company of Deep Rock Galactic’s publisher Coffee Stain, CEO Soren Lundgaard revealed that the game’s release on PS Plus was a major contributor to its success.
Record-breaking Player Count and Revenue
According to Lundgaard, the game broke all of its player count and revenue records following its full release. The release on PS Plus “propelled the IP even further into the mainstream,” Lundgaard said. Ten million players claimed the game very quickly, enjoyed the new season content, and even purchased cosmetic DLCs.
Positive Reception and Availability on Multiple Platforms
Deep Rock Galactic first released on PC in 2020 to positive reviews, and its availability on PS5 and PS4 has further contributed to its success. The game currently holds an 85/100 rating on Metacritic, a popular review aggregator website. Additionally, the game is also part of Xbox Game Pass, making it easily accessible to a wider audience.