Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 it has already begun to register huge numbers even in its beta phase. On the digital platform of Valve, Steam the game has already surpassed competitors of the caliber of the unfortunate Battlefield 2042 but also FIFA 22, in terms of players actively and simultaneously connected to the game. A partial number, since it takes into account only one slice of the public (the one active on PC, ed), but still useful to understand how strongly this title is expected by its audience of loyal fans.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 already from the beta promises a great success!
They are Steam the game’s open beta phase has already peaked close to 110,000 concurrently active players; peak reached almost at the time of the launch of the open test phase – or in any case shortly thereafter. The number then immediately dropped, but remained at decidedly positive levels for what, on balance, is only a beta.
A number of simultaneously active players who have been able to beat the numbers of games already available on the market, such as the aforementioned Battlefield 2042, FIFA 22 but also Resident Evil Village. Recall once again that these figures reveal the success of the games only among active Windows PC users Steam therefore they are not representative of the total success of the open beta phase of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – the numbers of the console editions of the game are missing, after all.
The number, however, is undoubtedly sufficient to say that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 promises to be a great success, and it will be interesting to see what values it will achieve overall when the game debuts on PC but also on Xbox Series X|S come on PlayStation 5 – If you want to know something more you can read our tried and tested of the beta in question.