An Apex Legends fan has teased a Wraith dating sim, and she looks absolutely lovely.

Earlier this week, Summerfall Studios character artist Jess Lee posted her mockups for a Wraith dating sim on Twitter. The incredibly talented artist only posted one screenshot from her personal Apex Legends project, and that was all it took to shower her with praise from Wraith fans. and Apex Legends.

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My God… that would be amazing. If you could get a small team together for something like this a lot of people would love it!” one Twitter user wrote in response. “Well I’d sell my arm for something so amazing!” posted another equally enthusiastic Twitter user.

Lee continued with other designs based on Wraith sprites for dating sim. Both of the character designs below are perfectly charming, exactly the kind of thing you’d expect from a game where players can hang out with their favorite Apex Legends character.

However, this Apex Legends project is not technically a dating sim. While Lee’s project may have all the hallmarks of a dating sim, “it’s more of a Wraith chat sim,” the artist explains in Blood (opens in a new tab). “You just talk to her for 10 minutes and see where she goes and then she leaves. You can’t date her,” Lee added.

These are sad times for deranged Wraith fans who really want to date the character, but there’s still a nice sim-style game to be found. Hey, maybe one day Respawn will make fan dreams come true and bring an Apex Legends dating sim to life.

Last week Respawn introduced new swimsuit skins for Apex Legendsand they were all wrong for a particular character.

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