Towards the end of Metroid Prime Remastered, you’ll find that you need to break the seal of an ancient Chozo Temple to gain access to endgame areas. The keys to this lock are twelve Chozo artifacts scattered across Tallon IV, and they are not easy to find. To get them all, you’ll need a fully leveled Samus and a fairly good understanding of the game’s geography. Here’s how to get your hands on them.
How to Find All Chozo Artifacts in Metroid Prime Remastered
Overworld of Tallon
artifact of truth
The Artifact of Truth is probably the first you will encounter. All you need to access are the Missiles, as the Chozo Artifact Temple is located right next to the Tallon Overworld landing site, where you first land on the planet. Head to the lower level and you’ll find the artifact sitting in the center of the temple, waiting for you to collect it. If for some reason you decide to stop reading the guide here, be sure to scan the totem poles around it for clues as to where to find some of the other artifacts.
Chozo Artifact
You will need the Ice Beam and Energy Bombs to enter the Grove of Life, located at the top of the large hall of trees. This is where you find the X-Ray Viewer, but it also hides another secret. Placing your new visor will reveal a much larger area outside of the small shrine where you found your last upgrade, so activate a Power Bomb to access it. Before you start leaving the grove, head to a small pool of water nearby – you can use a bomb at the bottom to blow up a small metal lid and reveal a Boost Ball Spinner. Activate it to raise a platform that houses the Chozo Artifact.
Chozo Ruins
wild artifact
Return to Sunchamber, where you originally fought Flaahgra to clear the waters of the Chozo Ruins. It’s only accessible through the Sun Tower this time around, so you’ll need the Super Missiles to reveal two of the emblems you need to scan to open the door and the Spider Ball to climb the magnetic track that leads to the top of the la round. Once you reach Sunchamber, you will need to fight three Chozo ghosts. These tough enemies can only be hit with Power Beam and Super Missiles, but if you have the X-Ray Visor you can track their whereabouts as the fight progresses. Once everyone is defeated, Wild’s Artifact will reveal itself in the middle of the giant central flower.
life-giving artifact
You’ll need the Gravity Suit to access this artifact, so go find it at Phendrana Drifts if you don’t already have it. Once you’ve done so, head to the Tower of Light, accessible via a Spider Ball clue in the Ruined Sanctuary. The top of this tower hides a powerful Beam Combo upgrade, but if you jump into the water at the bottom, you can make your way through a Wave Beam door that will lead you to the meditation chamber. Here is the Lifegiver Artifact.
artifact of the world
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You’ll have to wait quite late in the game to grab this artifact, as you’ll need the Plasma Beam to access it. Once you’ve cleared the Elder Hall of Chozo Ghosts, you’ll see three illuminated bomb slots behind the central statue: purple, white, and red. Shoot the Plasma Beam at the red slot to activate it, then climb up and drop a Morph Ball Bomb inside to reveal a secret Ice Beam Door under the statue. Fight your way to find the World Artifact.
magmoor caves
force artifact
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You can pick up this artifact from Magmoor Caverns as soon as you get the Space Jump Boots, which allow you to double jump. After entering the Watch Station from the Phendrana Drifts North elevator, double jump onto a platform to your right, which will give you access to the upper levels of the room. At the top of the station, use the Boost Ball Spinner gadget to extend a bridge, giving you just enough room to jump onto the platforms on the wall. Jump to the door leading to the Warrior’s Shrine, which houses the Artifact of Strength held by a statue of Chozo.
artifact of nature
You can reveal the Artifact of Nature early on if you know what to look for, though collecting it is a little trickier. In the Lava Lake Chamber of Magmoor Caverns, fire two Missiles or a Super Missile at the center pillar of the largest chamber to open it and reveal the Artifact. Crossing the central platform requires the Space Jump Boots though, so you’ll have to wait until they grab this one.
Phendrana derivative
spiritual artifact
In the massive hall known as Phendrana’s Edge, near the top, use the X-Ray Viewer to reveal a plasma beam door hidden behind a false wall. Use a Power Bomb to destroy it, then head inside to find the Spirit Artifact.
ancient artifact
Sensibly, it’s one of the artifacts that has a clue matching its totem in the Temple of Artifacts, as it’s a surprisingly boring task to get your hands on otherwise. On the East Tower of the Phendrana Space Pirates Base Control Tower, destroy some crates to reveal an icy window that can be destroyed with the Plasma Beam. Then fire a missile at the base of the tower to collapse it and reveal a handy hole you can roll the Morph Ball through. Inside you will find the Ancient Artifact. You’ll have to keep rolling along the tower to exit, as you won’t be able to jump back from where you entered.
sun artifact
You’ll get your first tantalizing glimpses of the path to this artifact on the wave beam path in the Chapel of the Elders. In the Chozo Ice Temple, you’ll find a large statue of a Chozo with its wings outstretched and a shard of ice in its hands. He returns much later with the Plasma Beam and melts the ice, then leaps into the hands of the Morph Ball-shaped statue. This will open a tunnel below, which leads to the Sun Artifact.
Phazon Mines
warrior artifact
As its name suggests, the Warrior Artifact requires combat to acquire. Once you’ve collected the Power Bombs from the Phazon Mines, return to Elite Research and activate a container fence in the center of the room. This will launch Phazon Elite, a powerful version of Elite Pirates, and a single scan, if you go for 100%. Super missiles are your best friend in this fight, but make sure you don’t shoot them when they’re absorbing energy or you’ll waste the missiles. Once you’ve conquered the Phazon Elite, collect the Warrior Artifact from its remains.
newborn artifact
The Newborn Artifact is likely to be the last artifact you acquire in the game, if only because it requires the Omega Pirate Battle Phazon Suit to obtain it without seriously injuring yourself. Head to the Phazon Mine Tunnel on the lower level of the Phazon Mines. Towards the right side of the Morph Ball Maze, you’ll see a Phazon-covered tunnel. Roll towards it, destroying the rocks with bombs as you go, and you’ll eventually find the Newborn Artifact, the last of the twelve. Now take all those artifacts to the Temple and give Meta Ridley a good kick.