If what you want is to pay your credit card from PayPal it is possible, you just need to know exactly what the steps to follow are. In Globe Live Media we explain it to you.
In a digital world, where most of the processes can be carried out through an internet connection, tools such as PayPal are emerging, which give security to all your payment processes, whether they are directed to bank accounts and/or credit cards. credit.
PayPal is a service offered to pay, send money and accept payments without having to constantly enter your financial data. It is a safe and reliable way to make your payments. It is a service that more and more people use.
Now, if what you want is to pay your credit card through PayPal, we have to clarify that this cannot be done directly. But, what you can do is transfer money from your PayPal balance to your bank account and then from there make the payment to your credit card.
PayPal allows its customers to transfer your balance directly to a bank account. Another option available is for you to issue a paper check so that you can cash it yourself or deposit it into a bank account.
A third option is that you can use a PayPal credit card to pay your other credit card debt through the third-party payment service. However, you must be clear that you will be charged a special rate for it.
Additionally, services such as Plastiq and PayTM are offered, with which you can pay your credit card bill with a credit card. The commission will range between 2.5% and 3% extra on what you owe on your bill.
So of all these options that we have explained to you, the most favorable will be to make a bank transfer from PayPal. This may take 1 to 3 days. If what you want is a much faster transfer, then PayPal will charge you a fee, but you can ensure that the money will reach you on the same day that you make the transfer. If you prefer to receive a paper check, then it will cost you $1.50 to issue it. The check will take between 5 and 10 business days to reach your hands.