Yailin La Más Viral shows off the first English class given to her by Tekashi 6ix9ine without clothes and in bed

Yailin La Más Viral is learning English from a “personal teacher”, her partner Tekashi 6ix9ine, who even tells her he doesn’t speak Spanish so she is forced to find how to communicate with him.

The “collaborators” Tekashi 6ix9ine and Yailin La Más Viral again boasted a moment together on social networks, but this time it was academic and without clothes in the comfort of their bed.

The artists who no longer hide their love relationship appeared in her Instagram stories showing how the ‘Chivirika’ is learning English by the hand of the ‘Dueño’ performer.

Tekashi 6ix9ine Becomes Yailin’s English Tutor in Revealing Instagram Lesson

The Dominican is seen in the video with no clothes on her upper body while they were in lying on her bed covering herself with a blanket while he gave her “her first English class”.

In the video, Yailin is heard saying: “Danny”, as she calls Tekashi affectionately because his real name is Daniel Hernandez. In addition, she placed on the audiovisual the text: “Toy mala”, with laughing emojis.

He on the bed showed a part of his face and said: “first course: ‘English without barriers'”. Then he focused on her who was covering her torso with a blanket and was seen with some African clinejas in her hair to start the conversation in English.

“Hi, Danny,” she began by saying The Most Viral. The rapper asked her what her name is: “What is your name?”, and the singer answered: “Hi, my name is Yailin”.

Then the American responded by asking her what country or city she is from: “Cool! Where you from? She said: “Dominican Republic”.

Although she was doing very well with her English, the interpreter of ‘Narcisista’ had a complication when she wanted to ask him where he was from saying: “¿Y tú?”.

The question in Spanish made 6ix9ine assure her that he didn’t speak her language: “No, no speak Spanish”.

She thought for a bit and asked him again the question speaking English: “Y You?”, he to help her replied: “And me”.

Throughout the clip shared by ‘La Chivirika’ she is seen smiling and enjoying the moment when she was practicing English with her partner, who was born in the United States, but has parents from Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Yailin twerked in a see-through jumpsuit

The 21-year-old artist, before showing off her English course with her “personal teacher”, shared a twerking video with which she has ignited social networks receiving comments of all kinds in the posts published by entertainment news profiles like Lalenguateve.

“It’s sad to see her doing these prunings when Thalía, la Tañón, and they are great singers, and they don’t do these prunes to succeed”; “This old woman has already gone beyond vulgar and ordinary. Poor girl tomorrow when she grows up she will be ashamed of herself”; “Vulgar! Far from looking sexy she is vulgar”; “Calling attention to herself because her sound is fading with 69”; “How vulgar is that woman! She thinks she’s already won the gold record with that, she doesn’t even sing. Those fall by their own weight”; “Ayy no pare en globos de payaso”; “

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