Actress Margot Robbie saw her career took a huge leap after playing Naomi Lapaglia in ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’, directed by Martin Scorsese. The Australian has explained, however, that some of the scenes were not easy. In fact, in one of them she even suffered injuries.
When Margot Robbie was having sex with Jordan, the character played by Leonardo DiCaprio, on a bed full of bills, she cut herself. In fact, the dollars were brand new, and the tips made little cuts on her back.
Beyond this uncomfortable scene, the actress has recognized on several occasions that her filming was complex on a personal level.
“It does not appear when you are watching the film, the public does not see it, but actually we are in a small room with 30 members of the technical team. All men. For 17 hours I was pretending to be touching myself,” she commented in an interview.
In fact, Margot Robbie even referred to sexual harassment: “I’m in my late twenties, I have studies, I have everything, I have worked, I have my own company. And yet I did not know what that was, the harassment thing. I didn’t know you could say ‘I’ve been sexually harassed’ without anyone touching you. What could you say, ‘This isn’t right’. I had no idea.”
In another interview with the New York Times, the Australian actress confessed that she prepared for the scene with tequila.
“I was shaking, scared, all the time I thought I was not going to be able to do it. When I arrived, when it was my turn to do it, I had three shots of tequila and then I took off my clothes and made them. It helped me avoid my shaking hands and gave me a little confidence boost,” she confessed.