Many gay actors working in Hollywood hide their sexual inclinations in fear that it could ruin their careers, the actress admitted. Kate Winslet.

The British star, who worked on films such as “Titanic” and “Sense and Sensibility”, told the Sunday cultural magazine “The Sundady Times” that he knows at least four actors who do not want to reveal their sexuality due to the possibility that they are not hired to play straight characters.

Winslet criticized what he considers an environment of “Discrimination and homophobia” in the film industry and added that the LGBT collective – lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender – needs a movement similar to that of “MeToo”, which came to light a few years ago in the US when the scope of the sexual harassment against actresses.

“I can’t say how many young actors I know, some well known and some just starting out, who are terrified that their sexuality will be revealed.” added the 45-year-old actress.

Despite pressures for more diversity at film awards, which are dominated by white actors and directors, little is debated about the representation of gay and bisexual personalities, says the Sunday.

Winslet referred to this situation as a result of her role as British paleontologist Mary Anning in the film “Ammonite,” which speculates about her relationship with geologist Charlotte Murchison, played by Saoirse Ronan.

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