“This is an innovative opportunity to recognize creative artists, musicians, authors, poets, and visionary thinkers. Johnny depp he is one of the most versatile creative artists of our generation, which makes him the ideal creative personality to launch creative NFTs for the common good “, they have assured from the company to insist that the official series of Johnny Depp’s NFT will be everything exit.

Winona Ryder was diagnosed with kleptomania, after the scandal over her run-in with the law. The actress, due to her condition, does not control the impulses that lead her to carry out compulsive robberies, in addition to having anxiety attacks, considering that she is in a threatening situation.
(Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

For those who do not remember, Johnny amd Winona They were a couple for three years, between 1990 and 1994, after they starred together in the film ‘Eduardo Scissorhands’ and were known for their mutual love of poetry.

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