Jennifer López has a flat and perfectly defined stomach. A sculptural body that she achieves thanks to the hard training sessions he undergoes daily. Although we know that to show off marked abs it is necessary to reduce the percentage of body fat, – this means that we will have to lose weight -, there are exercises that can help you achieve a strong core like yours.


Jennifer López is the clear example that without discipline the desired objectives cannot be achieved. Here are the results to prove it. The diva from the Bronx has revolutionized Instagram with the latest exercise video that she has shared with her followers (and not only because she has boasted of a sculptural body), but also because she has taught the public how to prepare strongly with high-intensity exercises.

Jennifer Lopez has a flat stomach thanks to a hard daily workout

Weightlifting, reverse sit-ups… Throughout the entire video you can clearly see how the singer’s muscles are not the work of chance and genetics and that a good sports routine completed with a balanced diet are key to boasting of a great guy.

And it is that Jennifer is clear that to increase caloric expenditure and gain strength, the most plausible option is to add weights to your training. In addition, she herself has revealed in several interviews that although she “crushes with weights” she spends only 45 minutes a day in the gym. Although, yes, she goes to him five days a week.

Without a doubt, it is a source of inspiration for all the superwomen who day after day put on their shoes to prove to themselves that they are capable of going beyond their laziness.

A body proof of exercise and good nutrition

At 52 years old, she holds the title of owning one of the most envied bodies -and desired by everyone- in the world. Not only does she boast a toned belly, she also has one of the most valued butts on the planet. Her is insured at 4.5 million euros. Yes, you read that right, rumors say that the artist has a policy that insures her buttocks. She neither confirms nor denies, but she does work hard with a very demanding routine to continue to hold her crown as one of the most cared-for bodies in the world for many more years.

To achieve her goals, she has the help of a personal trainer and a nutritionist, with whom she completes her training. They both work together to get that great body.

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