“They call me posh and yes, I am,” he says. Casilda Finat, one of the Spanish aristocrats who, leaving the title aside, triumphs with the jewelry brand that bears her name. “I admit that I cannot complain because I have much more than others, but I also tell you that the palace belongs to my grandparents and having a degree does not give you a thousand euros a month.”
It’s over granddaughter and heir to the Duchy of Pastrana, as well as Viscountess of Rías. He grew up in a privileged environment, such as the El Castañar estate, in Toledo, a place where kings such as Alfonso XIII and Juan Carlos I passed. Today, his grandparents reside there, surrounded by works by some of the best painters of our history, like Valdés Leal, Luca Giordano or Madrazo, but the businesswoman has had this so internalized that she hadn’t even realized it: «Now that you read me the list, I’ll tell you that I didn’t even know who they were from. They have always been there. I only have identified a copy of a Goya painting, but because I know the work ”, confessed this aristocrat who for love moved to live in Seville, although she has already returned to the capital.
The naturalness that characterizes this entrepreneur is possibly one of the assets with which the jewelry designer has conquered social networks, where she has accumulated more than 300,000 followers on her Instagram account: «I owe it all to social networks and sometimes I think that’s a chore, because the day I die I don’t know if my company will have a future“, Explain. «I am who I am on Instagram. I usually don’t care about criticism, because I have a great sense of humor and, for example, I laugh a lot with accounts like @ Hazmeunafotoasí (an Instagram profile that treats the world of influencers in an ironic way). I love! Also, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think they’ll criticize me that much either. I’m not one of those who wants to tickle anyone. For example, a few years ago I put a photo of a bullfighter going around the ring with two ears and people called me a murderer. They must have thought she was a sadist, but that must be people who don’t know what the world of the bull really is. Then I thought that there are things that can hurt the sensitivity of some people who may not be used to this. I am in favor of respecting everything and I am not going to say that I am anti-bullfighting, but I decided that I did not want to publish anything else on that subject. In the end what I am looking for is to sell my jewels ».
And he does not go wrong with his designs. Currently, the company he leads employs 18 employees, manufactures part of its production in Spain and has stores in Madrid, Seville, Barcelona, Oviedo, Valencia and has just opened in Zaragoza. With a very accessible average price (we can find pieces from 7.50 euros), Casilda’s maximalist style is partly responsible in our country for many young women being covered with jewels, from head to toe: «I am zero minimalist. In fact, I usually wear a lot of jewelry. Right now I count about fifteen, and they are few by what I am used to! ». In his universe, which we could describe as the inexpensive version of the wonderful Fulco di Verdura, you can find almost everything, from charms in the shape of fruits to flowers, seahorses and even medals of the Virgin: «I am very religious. That is one thing I never hide. My parents raised me in the Catholic faith and for me that is the most important thing“, Explain. In fact, he has dedicated pieces to both the Miraculous Virgin and the Heart of Jesus.
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Part of the success of the business, yes, it is due to her husband, Álvaro Martínez-Conradi, and her friends, among whom Tamara Falcó and Victoria Federica always stand out: «Álvaro runs the whole business, he’s the one behind Casilda and if it weren’t for him, this would be a disaster. It takes all the financial part, the boring thing, ”explains the designer. «From my friends, they always ask me about Tamara and Victoria Federica. Tamara was introduced to me by my cousin Andie. Instead, I met Victoria Federica after she was a customer. I saw her with my earrings and as a result of that everything arose. I already told him that I give him whatever he wants“, be honest.
The truth is Infanta Elena’s daughter is a great fan of Casilda Finat’s jewels and one of the hits that the King’s niece has worn was, precisely, an earring model named Leticia: «It was a coincidence that they were called like that. She wore them for a party and they took her out everywhere, ”recalls the businesswoman who would not mind if the Queen herself wore her jewelry. “I wish, I would love to, but maybe I see Leonor or Sofía more.” And it would not be surprising because Finat has managed to find the key to success, and that no noble title guarantees it.