“Silent firing” is a very common practice today in many jobs in the United States. It is explained when bosses treat their subordinates badly to the point of forcing them to resign instead of them. A recent study revealed which are the 10 states where this behavior is most prevalent

Two terms are becoming relevant in the world of work in the United States in recent months. The “silent resignation” or “quiet quitting” and the “silent dismissal” or “quite firing” refer to problems that several employees encounter in their daily lives.

The first term refers to employees being seen as bad for only doing the work they are paid for and not doing anything else. The second is when bosses treat their subordinates poorly instead of firing them.

Regarding the latter, the “silent dismissal” has pushed many workers to be forced to resign instead of having their employer do so. A very clear example is when a worker does not receive a raise in 5 years, despite the fact that he does what is asked of him or even more.

There are signs to identify if you are being subjected to this practice. Among some points, it stands out that your boss avoids having conversations with you, assigns opportunities that you wanted to other members, does not clarify why the others have raises and you do not, among others.

In order to find out which are the 10 states where this practice is most prevalent, the company School Authority took on the task of collecting more than 22,000 tweets in the last 90 days alluding to this topic.

These are the 10 states with the most cases of “silent layoffs”

3. Colorado
4. Massachusetts
5. Minnesota
6. New York
7. Illinois
8. Maine

Faced with a work environment with this type of behavior, it has been found that several workers have preferred to keep their jobs before resigning. The reason is due to the economic outlook, with high levels of inflation and the uncertainty that a recession will arrive in the short term.

Along with current jobs, some employees are taking other jobs to pay for gas, food and other consumer items that have risen in recent months.

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