Adjusting colors has weird and fascinating effects on our perception of the objects we see, a well-known scientific truth.
Color may boost our mood or make us unhappy, feel warm or cold, calm or angry, and even alter our perception of food taste. This, of course, has a significant impact on marketing and signage.
Marketers have long acknowledged colors used in a logo or sign as having a substantial impact on how a company is viewed. For example, consider what Cadbury’s Dairy Milk might look like if it came in a bright red package. Purple was picked for its luxury and elegance long ago, and changing it now would be odd.
Color is such an important design element that, when utilized effectively, it can help your signage communicate core values to your clients – but how do we pick the appropriate colors?
What is the significance of color psychology?
Whether you like it or not, your clients will intuitively feel a particular manner about your company due to your visual branding choices. And besides, the Toys ‘R’ Us logo isn’t designed to make us think the same thing the National Geographic wordmark does.
Whether you want your business to be related with youthful enthusiasm, a mature adherence to conservative values, or high-tech innovation and elegance, the color choices you make for your signage can help your customers intuitively understand those values – often before you add something else.
Because so few people are fully aware of the effect, it’s an intelligent way to think about color psychology in signage design to realize that it’s not practical to express meaningful information. It is, however, effective in influencing your clients’ ‘gut instinct’ about your company, even if they are unaware of why they have it.
You can influence your clients’ and visitors’ perceptions of your firm in this way, even before they do deal with you.
What are some of the most well-known color associations?
It’s important to note that color association isn’t an exact science before we get into our list of which colors are connected with specific emotions and themes. In addition, individuals may have distinct preferences for different hues. (For instance, people may despise green as it recalls them of something negative.)
Colors can have various connotations for people of various cultural origins. For example, while yellow is considered a pleasant and hopeful color in many nations, it is seen as a color of death and sadness in Latin America — and green, which for most of us signifies environment and wellness, is seen as a color of untrustworthiness in China.
As a result, the following list of common color associations should be treated as a guide that applies mainly to the Western world and in general, rather than a definite guarantee in all situations:
- Orange color: youth, vitality, simplicity, cheerfulness, and economy
- Yellow color: joy, competence, optimism, and immaturity
- Color red: strength, thrill, love, desire, energy, and rage.
- competence, masculinity, quality, and serenity
- Green: nature, wealth, health, jealousy, and tranquility
- Pink femininity, genuineness, elegance, affection, and beauty
- Purple: elegance, class, authority, inventiveness,
- Black: sophistication, exorbitance, style, mystery, style, and death
- Brown: nature, toughness, tradition, and sturdiness
- White: purity, joy, honesty, clarity, and grandeur
- Grey: neutrality, science, wisdom, and tranquillity
Choosing Your Message
You’ll need to define the ideals that you believe your business best reflects and that you’d like to have communicated to your clients before you can choose the right colors for your signs.
You can start exploring for colors that seem to express those associations once you’ve decided on a theme (or a few themes) for your firm. For example, to signify elegance and dependability, we could use a combination of black, purple, and white — or just one or two of the colors, depending on the requirements of our style.
We might go with green (health and environment), white (purity and transparency), and possibly a happy color like yellow for a company that encourages spiritual wellness.
Choosing the correct values and colors before designing any other components of your signs can be an excellent approach to give customers a ‘positive vibe’ about your business even before they walk through the door – even if they aren’t aware as to why.
Signage Color Considerations
Aside from pure color psychology theory, not all colors may be equally practical in your signage situation.
If you want your design to stand out, don’t put black signage in a dark place, green signage in front of a tree, or grey on a grey wall!
It’s also a good idea to double-check your sign colors for any potential issues with your neighbors, especially if you own a retail store, a cafe, or another business close to others. For example, the proximity between two establishments with red-and-yellow color schemes on their signage could confuse customers – or make one look like a knockoff.
It’s also crucial that your signage matches the rest of your branding; besides, a shop or company that is blue on the front but red on the inside may appear to have a confused sense of self. It will assist in generating a more robust and more integrated impression if you can use the same colors across your branding (particularly internal signs, social media, and wherever else your logo is viewed).
Another thing to keep in mind is that your sign must be visible from a distance, so the colors you choose should complement each other and provide sufficient contrast to ensure legibility. Also, you might want to consider having a custom made steel signs as it will give an excellent complement to any modern business. Metal signs will lend grandeur and power to an empty surface by generating eye-appealing and impressive signage.
Establishing your business goals and selecting the perfect colors to depict those ideas may offer your guests a favorable ‘gut instinct’ about your firm even before they step inside the building – and that’s what a great sign is all about.