Given the implementation of new prices for its products, the company clarified that “YPF will continue to make its greatest productive and logistical efforts to sustain supply in the national market in a context of sustained historical demand records.”
Due to the fact that the factors that affect the formation of fuel prices continue to increase, the company made it clear that “after this adjustment we will continue to monitor the evolution of the variables.”
The last increase in fuels that was implemented at the national level occurred last May. At that time, the average sum was 9% and it was explained that the decision was made based on: the evolution of costs associated with refining and marketing; the increase in local prices of biofuels produced by third parties and that marketers must purchase at a regulated price; and the sustained increase in the international prices of fuels that need to be imported to complement local refining.
The increase in the last 12 months applied by the oil company amounts to 41.7%, according to sources linked to the sector. The variation is below the evolution presented by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the relative prices of the economy, they remarked.