Los Angeles, Aug 15 (Globe Live Media) .- The Texas prosecutor, Ken Paxton, and the Democratic candidate Rochelle Garza are practically tied in their contest for the State Attorney’s Office in the next November elections, revealed a survey published this Monday.
The University of Texas/Dallas Morning News poll found that 34% of voters support Paxton’s re-election and 32% favor Garza’s election.
The poll’s margin of error is plus or minus 2.8 percentage points, so Paxton’s lead isn’t considered a sure winner.
Forty-one percent of Texas voters said they “approve” or “strongly approve” of Paxton’s job performance, while 40% said they “disapprove” or “strongly disapprove.”
Republican Paxton has led a legal battle against the Administration of President Joe Biden in the courts by challenging several of the Democratic policies, especially regarding immigration.
Garza, a former American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) attorney, is the first Latina to compete for the Texas District Attorney for the Democratic Party.
The Latina attorney has clashed with Paxton in court. In 2017, she won a lawsuit in a federal appeals court in the case of an undocumented teenager who wanted an abortion.
The poll found that among opposing party voters, 9% of Democrats support Paxton, while only 7% of Republicans support Garza.
It also showed that Governor Greg Abbott leads his challenger, Democrat Beto O’Rourke, in voting preferences by seven percentage points.
Forty-six percent of those polled support the re-election of Republican Abbott, while 39% support O’Rourke.
The poll was conducted Aug. 1-7 among 1,384 registered voters, of whom 33% reported being Democrats, 40% identified as Republicans and 27% said they did not identify with either major party.