The actor Andrés García, who is currently 81 years old and is known for his multiple roles in Mexican soap operas, has been suffering from health complications that led him to be hospitalized. However, this Monday, July 11, the magazine ‘TVyNovelas’ published an interview in which the interpreter revealed the thoughts he had in the midst of his illness and how difficult his situation was.
“For many years, doctor friends have recommended to me, because the parties lasted many days, ‘turn off Andrés because he can give you cirrhosis and cirrhosis kills.’ I ignored it and now it turns out that I have cirrhosis” , revealed the actor in the middle of his interview for the Mexican program First hand, stating that he had acquired the disease after excessive alcohol consumption. However, what caught the most attention was the way in which he said that he would like to die, since, when asked about the rumors about a suicide, the actor did not hesitate to affirm that he had thought about it, but now he had it in mind a different way to end his own life.
“Yes, it went through my head several times… If they ask me how I want to die, I would prefer to die killing goats…, go where the bad guys live and shoot them ,” the actor born in the Republic assured in the middle of his interview. Dominican but clinging to Mexico, recalling once again his expressed taste for weapons, although in the midst of a controversial reflection. The actor indicated that after his illness there had been difficult times that he did not count on; however, he stressed that he hoped to continue being the “spoiled by God”, so that at some point the problems would end. “ Everything has happened to me and I have survived many things… I hope he continues to be the spoiled one of God, let’s see if his patience has run out… The truth is, I have felt very bad, I thought I didn’t tell her ”, Said the actor in an interview for the aforementioned medium.
Although this would not be the first time that the actor had in mind to take his own life, since he recently published a video in which he states that he would like to die through some kind of pill, for which he would have spoken with medical experts. “I don’t want to live like this. Talk to Dr. Margarita to see how we are doing with the pill, and at the right time I’ll take it and then the question is whether they take me to cremate or we get a little boat and burn it there with me, ” he said.
It is noteworthy that, in recent days, the actor has been accused by one of his daughters of raising abuse, a situation that García himself described as “bullshit”, and stressed that he had distanced himself from her to the point of not take it into account for your life.
“Andrea is not even my daughter and there is nothing to fix; I’m going to tell you the truth, I recognized her to help her in her career and with her name, but she didn’t know how to thank me. For me, Andrea doesn’t even exist…” , she expressed in the middle of the interview.
And he added: “Well, of course, he is a bad person, he got involved with people from the black mafia, I know that he is even involved in prostitution; I tried to advise her and she made up a bullshit that I had raped her since she was little. That is a real bullshit, not having a mother, as if I needed to do bullshit; therefore, for me she does not even exist”.