It has been Diego Arrabal who has uncovered what until now has been kept secret. On his YouTube channel, the paparazzo has revealed that last Thursday, February 24, María Patiño was summoned to testify in court for a lawsuit filed by Sonsoles, who was Antonio David’s lover more than twenty years ago, when he was still a partner of Rocío Carrasco.

The photographer cannot confirm whether the woman has taken only the journalist or the entire ‘Socialité’ team to court, but he considers “that she has denounced everyone, the director, the other and the presenter.”

In any case, Diego Arrabal seems sure that María Patiño has been summoned to testify for some events that date back to April 3 2021, when Sonsoles sent a statement to certain media outlets in which it warned that it would take legal action if the anonymity it claimed was not respected.

The premiere of ‘Rocío, tell the truth to stay alive’, recovered the name of Sonsoles from the past, which again received media attention with which she did not feel comfortable at all.

The woman then assured that she was suffering from a constant “state of nervousness, anxiety and helplessness” and warned against taking legal action if she did not respect her right to honor and privacy. As events have unfolded, it seems that she finally made the decision to go to court to safeguard her image.

As previously mentioned, Diego Arrabal knows few details about this complaint that Sonsoles would have filed against certain media or people and that has forced Maria Patino to give a statement in court, although electronically.

The paparazzo claims to know the high figure that the plaintiff claims in compensation for what happened and although he prefers not to share it publicly, he warns that it is “a lot”.

This would not be the first lawsuit in which María Patiño could be involved as a result of the Rocío Carrasco documentary series and all the scandals that have subsequently become.

Recently, Rocío Flores assured that she had taken the journalist to court for assuring in ‘Socialité’ that Antonio David, in an attempt to victimize himself, he had printed the posters himself that appeared in Malaga in which he was branded as a “batterer”.

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