The British prime minister has met with his Ukrainian counterpart in Kiev.
Another message to Russia. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned that an invasion of Ukraine would be a “political, humanitarian and military disaster for Russia and the world”.
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom visited the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, this Tuesday in Kiev, from where he pointed out that the “more than 100,000 Russian troops concentrated on the border is perhaps the greatest demonstration of hostility towards Ukraine during our lives”.
A few hours before his meeting with Zelensky, Johnson’s Foreign Minister, Liz Truss , announced in Parliament that her Executive has legislation “ready” that will allow London to extend the sanctions regime against Russia if it takes the step and invades the European country.
The United Kingdom is one of the most active European actors in the issue with Russia and from the first moment of tension on the Ukrainian border it has sent warning messages to Moscow in an attempt to dissuade more aggressive plans.
While the premier was visiting Kiev, Vladimir Putin also spoke, after days of public silence. The Russian president has raised the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO, something that, in his opinion, “could lead to a war” over Crimea.