Sara Carbonero’s boyfriend has explained his relationship with the woman who accompanied him home after a party

Some images of the boyfriend of Sara carbonero, Kiki morente, with a blonde girl, who turned out to be the makeup artist, a good friend of both, after the Man of the Year awards party Esquire set off all the alarms last week.

The magazine Diez Minutos revealed that the woman who accompanied the singer is Vicky Marcos, wife of Pepe Barbarre, percussionist and cousin of the Moretes, as well as a close friend of the sports journalist.

It was also Vicky Marcos who acted as “Celestina” so that Carbonero and Kiki met. After the controversy, Kiki Morente offered a small concert at the SGAE headquarters in Madrid to inaugurate the exhibition ‘Transmissions’.

At the recital, the cantaor was accompanied by Juan Habichuela and he had no problem explaining that Vicky belongs to the family.

In addition to explaining his relationship with the makeup artist, Kiki had a memory of his father, Enrique Morente to commemorate the International Flamenco Day.

“As a good reference, a good fan and a good worker, who dedicated his life to singing, flamenco and art. We remember him a lot, today more than ever,” he commented and explained that he and his sisters pay homage to him at a concert in Badajoz.

Regarding his relationship with Sara Carbonero, Kiki did not want to make any statement but he did acknowledge the good personal moment he is living and how happy he is with the promotion of his new album.

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