The famous Cuban interpreter and pianist Lena Burke dedicated some emotional words of pride and admiration for the musical career of Willy Chirino.
From her Facebook account, the young artist recognized the human qualities of the salsa singer.
“To say Willy Chirino is to say Cuban, an example of a gentleman, a great human being and an immense artist. He restored faith to all Cubans on the island when we heard his music for the first time and clandestinely we chanted and danced at all the parties for young people and adults ”, he mentioned next to an image with maestro Chirino.
“He gave us hope with his“ Nuestro Día ”(IT IS ALREADY COMING) that even today when I listen to it, it makes one feel more Cuban than ever and with the certainty that we will see our Cuba free. Infinite thanks, dear teacher, for choosing me to be part of this heartfelt tribute, ”wrote Lena.
Last week, Willy Chirino received the Key to the City of Miami on Wednesday at a ceremony held at the Museum of the Cuban Diaspora.
“Thanks to our mayor Francis Suárez, his father, the former mayor and former Dade County Commissioner Javier Suárez, for giving me the keys to the city,” reads a Facebook post shared by Chirino.
“A few days ago, Francis called me to ask if I had received them before and I told him that the first mayor who gave them to me was his father, and since then each mayor had given me that recognition… Only you are missing, I told him. Well, I already have the new ones at home ”, he adds.
In the delivery, chapters dedicated to Chirino’s career were presented, which begin the third season of the series that rescues the historical memory of the Cuban exile, ‘Leyendas del Exilio’.
For his part, the director of the series, Lilo Villaplana, assured that it was “very nice” to dedicate these chapters to Willy, since this allowed him to know aspects of the musician’s life that were unknown to him.
“The third season we have decided that those who are on solid ground, those who are musicians, those who are writers, who are entrepreneurs and have merits equally contracted on the battlefield are also heroes,” said Carlos Vasallo, CEO of America Teavee.
In this sense, Vasallo stressed that Chirino is a case “extremely special because it is the Voice of exile. It is so special that we have made it two chapters ”.
“Above all we are going to discover Willy Chirino not only as a singer but also as a man of thought. We are going to discover a very familiar Willy Chirino, very nice, very emotional and above all the memories of Cuba, of that Pinar del Río that he had to leave as a child, ”said the director of the aforementioned chain, Miguel Cossío.