One of the fans installed in schools in Ensenada

The latest heat wave, the longest since the beginning of summer, peaked last Monday, with wind chill above 40 degrees there more than 100,000 users experienced power outages. For more than 15 days, schools in the province and in the city of Buenos Aires warned of infrastructure problems for teaching classes.

This week, when the end of the heat wave was announced, the mayor of Ensenada, Mario Dry, made an unusual announcement via social media: the installation of 120 ventilators in schools, which he defined as “state-of-the-art” equipment. These are nationally manufactured equipment that sell for between 40 and 50 thousand pesos.

“In this first stage, 120 state-of-the-art equipment has been installed and another 500 units will be installed in the coming days. From the municipality we work continuously so that the children and young people of Ensenada can have a quality education,” said community leader Kirchner.

Due to the heat, several schools that cover a large part of the territory of Buenos Aires have had to suspend classes. In particular, the closures were felt in schools in neighborhoods such as La Matanza, San Miguel, Avellaneda, Tres de Febrero.

"State-of-the-art equipment".  Here's how Mario Secco promoted ventilators installed in schools
“Latest technology equipment”. Here’s how Mario Secco promoted ventilators installed in schools

Given the situation, the General Directorate of Culture and Education of Buenos Aires and the Provincial Ministry of Health have issued a series of recommendations to the educational community to “avoid heatstroke and dehydration” during the school day.

Among other measures, they recommended keeping the classroom cool and ventilated, increasing water consumption at all times and avoiding sugary drinks, generating intervals during school time to wash hands, face and neck, and that children dress in loose clothing. and light colors, avoid strenuous physical activity.

In another city of Buenos Aires, like San Nicolás, the teachers’ unions proposed – before the start of the school year – to suspend classes and work virtually.

The reference of La Cámpora Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque and the communal chief of Ensenada, Mario Secco (Télam)
The referent of La Cámpora Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque and the communal chief of Ensenada, Mario Secco (Télam)

Secco is a historic Peronist leader, one of the promoters of the “clamor” operation for Cristina Kirchner to reconsider her decision to be a candidate in the next elections, and one of the speakers at the plenary session of the Frente de Todos militancy qu they drove the governor of Buenos Aires last Saturday Axel Kicillof and national deputy Maxim Kirchner.

“Cristina has 35 points in the province of Buenos Aires. There are many leaders, but none fills the glass, it is the only one that generates confidence for the next four years. Cristina receives more than double that of any other leader,” the leader said last Monday in radio statements radio AM530.

“The company is asking for Cristina, and we have to be up to it to give the company an answer, we have to call like we did on Saturday,” he added at the time.

In this sense, the Kirchnerism plans to repeat this type of activity, of call for militancy, until the moment when the candidatures are formalized. “During these 14 weeks we are going to do the different scenarios and there Cristina will have to give the answer to the great Argentine people about what they have asked for.”

I kept reading

Drought, inflation and rising rates: a perfect combo to lower the level of activity
Heat wave: a school in Rosario asked its students to wear mesh and cooled them with hoses

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