This year 2023 marks the 38th anniversary of the disappearance of Marcela Basteri, an Italian actress and model known worldwide for being the mother of Luis Miguel. Since their relatives reported their absence to the competent authorities, both the sun of mexico Like his brothers, Sergio and Alejandro, they have dedicated themselves to investigating the smallest details to clarify what happened and find their mother’s whereabouts.
Even the performer The girl in the blue bikini He opened up about the process he went through from discovering his mother’s disappearance until a few years ago, when new clues emerged, in his bioseries featuring Diego Boneta.
The children of Marcela Basteri and Luisito Rey were not the only ones to inquire about what happened, because during all the time that has passed since the disappearance, many seers have dared to speak publicly about the mysterious case. Such was the case with Stephanie Peregrin –Belinda’s first cousin-, who during a broadcast of gossip not like He opened up about his visions.
To begin with, he said he would have received revelations about the fate of Marcela Basteri when he saw one of her photographs: “I don’t know these people. I never knew anything about Luis Miguel, because I only know things from the United States, but what I saw immediately when I saw this photo, I saw a lady who she was very hurt by a toxic relationship with a man who abused her”.
When I saw the photo, I suddenly had a pain here in my head (nape of the neck) like someone hit me on the head, something like that. Suddenly I saw images of a garden with rocks and flowers, I started seeing things like that. I also saw a window which is not very common in Spain, it was white. Then the image of her lying on the bed came to me, she was unconscious, she was like she had passed out.
After collecting this data, Belinda’s cousin mentioned that from her point of view, Marcela Basteri had been murdered: “I think they killed her, because it wasn’t very good (how she felt when she saw the picture).”.
But that was not all, according to Javier Ceriani -owner of the entertainment program-, at some point he accompanied Stephanie Peregrín to see the supposed house that Luisito Rey had in Spain and there he perceived more things.
It was Monday, March 6, when the death of Fernando PeregrinBelinda’s uncle who accused her of allegedly manipulating her ex-partners to ask them for money and assured that in the 80s he was defrauded by the singer’s father.
“I think by dint of doing this this woman has a habit of seducing and cajoling those who pay attention to her and she has an adviser who knows the underworld perfectly, because she is a criminal, a pimp, a person who knows that her daughter is a prostitute”, agreed Stephanie Peregrín for gossip not like.
It is in this context that Stephanie Peregrín mentioned that before learning that her uncle had died, she had had contact with him. According to what he said, his loved one left a message for his mother: “Tell your mother I’m sorry and forgive her”.
“When I woke up, I went to my mother’s room and said to her: ‘Uncle Fernando has a message for you (…) suddenly my mother was like this (surprise).’ The young woman commented that her mother would have apologized “for everything she had done” to her brother before his death and also forgave him.