Due to the pandemic for the covid-19, One of the hardest hit sectors was the labor market for young people since they have finished their studies or are at the university stage. According to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (HERE), reveals that citizens between the ages of 15 and 29 who neither studies nor works (NiNis) represent the 19.1% of the age group, in 2021.
These figures highlighted the impact left by the pandemic, as increased by 2.2% compared to 2009 (16.9%), detailed the National Center for Strategic Planning (This plan). As a result, the young people decided to postpone their period of unemployment or opted for a temporary job.
From the data collected, it was learned that the young people who lived in the urban area were Ninis, with a representation of 20.7%. While, in rural areas, it decreased by 0.4 percentage points. However, this impact was greater among Ninis women with 24% compared to young Ninis men with 11.9%; that is, almost double the percentage.
In the regions of the country, these figures are not unrelated, since there are also differences between the Ninis of the two sexes. In 2020, in the jungle, it was reported that 29% of young women are not studying, working or receiving training; while men account for 12% of this trend. On the Peruvian coast, women reached 33.3%, 9.1 percentage points higher than men.
In 2020, in Latin America, it was known that women, between the ages of 15 and 24, who did not study, work or had no training, reached 30%. Men, on the other hand, reached 18% in this case.
According to experts, one of the main causes of women leading these impressive figures is due to “motherhood or married life”. Situation that affects due to the consequences of “cultural aspects” that women must fulfill the role of housewives.
“In this sense, the experts have indicated that maternity or married life are the main reasons why some young people, especially women, do not find employment and end up moving away from educational and economic activities”, have they stated.
Although the numbers are the impacts of COVID-19 in a pandemic, the data in women is expected to decline from pre-pandemic data. Similarly, the Ceplan report recommends the creation of jobs for young people who neither study nor work.
For its part, the International Labor Organization (ILO) also recommended creating new green and sustainable job opportunities. This could generate an additional 8.4 million jobs by 2030. Additionally, digital skills training to create labor market opportunities stands out.