The famous caudillo of La Rioja, on the proposal of the provinces of Mendoza and San Juan, was appointed general-in-chief of the Campaign in the desert of the year 1833. Theoretically, he should have placed himself at the head of the three columns that would leave: one from Buenos Aires under the command of Brigadier General Juan Manuel de Rosas; another from Cordoba, commanded by General Ruiz Huidobro; and a third would leave from Mendoza led by General Félix d’Aldao. For its part, Chile would advance with its forces towards Araucania. Interesting binational operation. The Mendoza and Córdoba columns failed in their objectives. It was that of Rosas that finally reached the Río Negro. As they left, Rosas proclaimed: “Soldiers of the Southern Division! The campaign we are opening must close the history of our enterprises against the indigenous peoples and put an end to a two-century war. One more effort and our children, our mothers, our wives will embrace us again, delighted at the idea of living in peace with us in our homes…”.
Unfortunately, the problem continued and it was Facundo who pinpointed the sore point of failure. In the Córdoba column there was complicity with the Ranqueles Indians (Argentinian Mapuches) led by Chief Yanquetruz, and Facundo discovered it. The Caudillo de los Llanos denounced the Reinafé brothers, rulers of Cordoba, for colluding with the Indian robbers and informing them of the movements of the army. Yanquetruz disappeared like smoke. It’s because the Reinafé bought cattle stolen by the Indians in other provinces. Eventually Roca established the order, authority and sovereignty of the state. Leaving Carhué, he issued a proclamation or an order of the day: “When the human wave invades these desolate fields which yesterday were the scene of destructive and bloody raids, to make them an emporium of wealth, extinguishing these nests of terrestrial pirates and taking really possession of the immensity that shelters them.
The success of his action was definitive, but between Rosas and Roca we exceeded those of Cain. Years, suffering robberies, fires, extortion, captives, ransoms and paying not to steal and in many cases accepting the protection of a cacique to avoid raids and worse with the complicity of officials, chiefs forts and justices of the peace. Any link to news is the responsibility of the reader.
Finally, the attack and the offensive of the provincial forces first, then national, against the natives were not carried out because of their condition of Chileans, but because of thieves and thieves. The campaign sought to reduce crime, as observed by Roca: “The Land Pirates”. And he got it.
The historic meeting aims to awaken the political, intellectual and journalistic elite of our country. In short, to those who have a voice and who are heard. The crime wave has already happened to us and there have been men of action who solved it. Currently, we are again suffering from crime and there is no climate that allows the emergence of a strong personality who does not shrink from the problem. Drug trafficking and related crime conspire against democracy and institutions, how do we ensure democratic continuity? As we do? When a policeman kills a thief to defend a victim of aggression and a sector of political, intellectual and journalistic society attacks him and the others do not defend him categorically. Shut up shut up. Democracy is defended in the terms evoked by the attackers. Democracies cannot be on the defensive, they must go on the offensive.
The mayor of Rosario, Pablo Javkin, was extremely sharp in the statements made on the radio. How come a house is attacked while walking, and no one stops them? How come the front of an institution on a bike get shot and no one catches them? People who carry guns should, not a mayor, he said. And here is the question. Why would a man in uniform arrest an armed person, which could lead to the death of the hitman and the imprisonment of the policeman? This society, ours, of baptismal souls, does not accept the death of soldiers in the service of the drug trafficker, armed to the teeth, in the hands of the forces of order. When a photographer approaches the dead hitman, even with his eyes open, and prints this photo in the media, beautiful souls will cry inconsolably and the mainstream media with their usual causticity will pour the acid of doubt. I don’t think the time for the fight has come. The politicians we have are not for war, what crime gives us, they are for parties, champagne and models.
Now, surely with honesty, they ask for the Army’s participation. It’s not time for the army yet, it will be the final fight. Now, with the federal forces, it is enough, provided they are able to fight without reproach or persecution. The Army in the street is for the stands. Politicians must allow forces to act in the form of war and to be directed towards war. They must go on the offensive. Politicians must take off their masks and take responsibility for the consequences of this fight. The surrender of the Minister of Security shows political cowardice.
Last anecdote: July 14, 1789. King Louis XVI orders General Besenval to advance with his troops on Paris: “Go and do your duty. Something so generic made Besenval reason, what does it mean to do one’s duty? To kill people? He decided and did not enter. The Revolution has triumphed. Surely, if he had entered, many deaths would have occurred. And what would the King have said:I told him to do his duty, not this massacre.”
Corollary: politicians’ orders must be clear and precise.
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