In ten days, the next major episode of the Pokémon license arrives on Nintendo Switch. The fifth of the console (a record), but also the last? This is the question that we can ask ourselves following this job offer.
- Pokémon: graphics that are debating
- The next Pokémon on new console?
Pokémon: graphics that are debating
This is the third major Pokémon game to be released by Nintendo in 365 days: Pokémon Scarlet/Purple follows the Pokémon Shining Diamond/Sparkling Pearl remakes as well as Pokémon Legends: Arceus. The new title, the fifth episode to see the light of day on Nintendo Switch, is expected exclusively on November 18. As its release approaches, the eternal debate (already raised at the start of the year) of the game’s overall visual quality returns: with a license as lucrative as Pokémon, did Nintendo not can’t afford to invest in something aesthetically prettier?
A problem which, like many others, does not only depend on money. As already explained in our columns, it is also a question of Game Freak’s desire to remain independent, sustained production rates and the small development team. That being said, it seems that Creatures does not follow the same creed: the third holder of the creation rights around Pokémon, long involved in the license and behind the 3D modeling of pocket monsters, would have decided to recruit.
The next Pokémon on new console?
Indeed, it is a job offer which was spotted on social networks by our colleagues from VideoGamesChronicles. This evokes the search for a 3D modeler. Nothing surprising except that this one mentions “research and development for next generation consoles”. What to suggest that Creatures is interested in the future of the license: the Nintendo Switch having already hosted five opuses in the franchise, more than each of the other consoles.
Something to also revive the rumors of a possible Nintendo Switch Pro, as tenacious as those concerning the porting of the Gamecube opuses of Legend of Zelda to the console: last year, it was a Bloomberg survey which mentioned the sending by nintendo’s 4K development kits to some development studios. In the aftermath, it is the massive cyberattack suffered by NVidia which gives food for thought while it is one of the trailers for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom which question many media.
In any case, it will be some time before we see a Pokémon on Nintendo’s next-gen console. To take your troubles patiently, there is always Pokémon Scarlet / Purple which are expected on November 18th.