The leader of the National Action Party (PAN), Marko Cortes Mendoza, protested to Alejandra del Moral as the next candidate for Governor of the State of Mexico (Edomex), days after the official start of the campaigns for the 2023 electoral process.

Who would win if the Mexico State gubernatorial elections were held today?
Although there are a few months left before the votes, Mexicans seem to have a clear idea of who they will choose
It was during an event with the militancy of the PAN in the municipality of Huixquilucan —governed by the blues and whites and a place that was governed by Enrique Vargas— that Del Moral Vela was formalized as a representative of the PAN against, according to the words of PAN members, about 20 thousand activists and sympathizers.
“National action has not failed and will not fail with any commitment to Mexico, with the Va por México coalition and with the Va por el Estado de México coalition. In National Action we are on our word, we are committed and today we are here to say let’s go with everything. We will win and count on us, Alejandra del Moral! With all my governor! said Marko Cortés to applause.

In full demonstration in one of the strongholds of the PAN of the entity, the national president of the blue and white gave the certificate of candidate, as well as a blue vest of the party to the militant of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), in no more asking him to do not forget to take into account the national action in her project, because she explained that her institute would not leave her alone.
“You will not be alone to win, but neither will you be alone to govern”
Around this reminder of the government coalition, the leader of the PAN indicated that both his party, the PRI and the Party of the Democratic Revolution had concluded an agreement and a long term commitment who not only works within the Federal Legislative Power, but will defend the interests of citizens, especially a few days before the appointment of the new advisers of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

During the ceremony, Alejandra del Moral spoke and said that she felt the conciliatory mood within the alliance, so thanked Cortés Mendoza, as well as Enrique Vargas and to all panistas for supporting their work.
“We are convinced that we are more what we want to add and not divide, that we are more what we want to advance. We need a strong panismo, without hesitation, the panismo that challenged destructive populism and (who) defended freedoms”
In addition to the above, Del Moral Vela promised not only to work hand in hand with blue and white values, but also promised to respect and defend the party’s ideology, for which he called on society to join the alliance that is open to all opposition voices.

“We are convinced that more of us want to add and not divide, that more of us want to move forward”
The event took place a day after the Standing Political Commission of the PAN State Steering Committee authorized the nomination of the PRI as its candidatethey will therefore wait for the official timetables set by the electoral authority.

The Electoral Tribunal determined that Delfina Gómez did not take advantage of AMLO’s image
The Institutional Revolutionary Party denounced Morena’s pre-candidate for the spots where she talks about “you know who”, considering that she was talking about the Mexican president
It is expected that in the coming days the authorities of the PRD and Nueva Alianza approve the appointment of Alejandra del Moral and demonstrate, these days before the start of the process which will conclude on Sunday, June 4.
It should be noted that the event on Sunday February 19 brought together the President of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies, Santiago Creel Miranda; the coordinator of San Lázaro legislators, Jorge Romero; the vice-coordinator of senators, Kenia López Rabadán; Senator Xóchitl Gálvez; as well as some local and national legislators.