After the literary success of “Another life to live” there”Love and homesickness,” Swedish writer of Greek descent Theodore Kalifatids returns with “A new country outside my window”, a title in which he explores his Greek origins and the person he has become after spending several decades in Sweden. This, the author’s fourth book to be translated into Spanish, saved by the publisher Gutenberg Galaxy, it has been presented as one of his most personal texts.
Callifatids He is the creator of just over 40 titles written in Swedish, a work that began to be translated into Spanish about three years ago, with which its success soared, almost to the level of its recognition in Sweden. Con”Another life to live” he decides to write for the first time an autobiographical book in Greek.
In “A new country outside my window” makes a deep reflection on what are the great themes of his novels, those he has captured throughout his literary career and among which are the individual there the story, emigration there the feeling of belonging, language there Memory, love there identity.

“I left my country at 25, not very old, but old enough to go. I had to face many experiences alone: I lost people, I gained others, I was unhappy in love, I suffered from illness, from poverty… Except to take advantage of my time, a great experience that I discovered later, but didn’t appreciate then. When I arrived in Sweden, I felt like a flayed rabbit because my skin was all that I had given up,” Theodor Kallifetides said in an interview with The country.
He March 12, 2023Kallifetides turned 85, at the same time as “A new country outside my window” reached the shelves of Spanish bookstores. If in his previous book the author had published a journey of reconciliation and research, he pays homage here to the concerns from which his writing stems.
— This book, the first I’ve written directly in Greek after fifty years, is my belated gratitude (to those) who restored me to my language, the only homeland I have left and the only one that would do me no harm. . They didn’t just honor me. They saved in me what could still be saved. What does it matter in which corner of the world he lived? writes Theodore Kalifatids.

After his debut in Spanish in 2019, the author has continued to garner success. In his texts, readers in Spanish and Catalan have been able to get to know an author who opts for simplicity to address major issues and concerns, a writer who evokes the tradition of Greek philosophy and even his memories of hatred and reconciliation. with him and with the language he adopted after his arrival in the Scandinavian country.
“Another Life to Live” marked his arrival in literature in Spanish; It was a text translated by Selma Ancira For Gutenberg Galaxy que, a lo largo de 150 páginas, dio a conocer lo que pensaba un autor griego producto del exile, un hombre que vivía lejos de su patria y, sobre todo, un hombre que había perdido su propia lengua, como muchos otros migrantes regados por the world.
The author was born in Greece in 1938 and immigrated to Sweden in 1964, it was there that he began his literary career; In addition, he was commissioned to translate from Swedish into Greek authors such as Ingmar Bergman there August Strindberg and from Greek to Swedish in Giannis Ritsos oh Mikis Theodorakis. He has won several awards for his work, both in Greece and in Sweden, the country where he currently resides.
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